Our teaching method is based on pleasant communication with the emphasis laid on speaking. Participants do not just learn a foreign language, but we make every effort to stimulate them in order to delve into the country’s culture, the everyday lives of the people and their temperament. In other words, this is learning that has to do with the existence of another community of people, a different society, which, in turn, leads to a better understanding and learning of our own society. Our students learn at their own pace according to their own personality and particular needs.Debate is constantly informed about new educational and business practices internationally, and therefore, can guide and consult participants in the right direction. Consequently, the foreign language being taught becomes an active mechanism that works all the time – during lessons as well as during students’ free time: through the internet and with professionals whose mother tongue is the targeted language.


Special attention and extra care are given to participants who are about to move abroad and to foreign executives who have already settled in the countries in which Debate is offering its services.


Being well aware that language is a means, but in no way the ultimate solution to everyday problems, we have expanded our operations to the point that we can help our participants deal with them. We can offer guidance and consulting with the regards to finding a job, dealing with or tackling bureaucracy, translations of documents, interpretations, even tours to sites of interest.


We at Debate are more than just another language teaching company. We are consultants and assistants wherever our participants may find themselves and in whatever they are interested. And what is more, we promise to deliver results quickly but efficiently knowing that nowadays more than ever time is in short supply.

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